The tree is up, lit, decorated, and looking good!
My Mom and I went the first weekend of December to a tree farm to cut our trees. I wanted to take pictures while we were there but it was 17 degrees out at the time. And snowing. And windy. And did I mention cold? We pretty much found our trees in record time and cut them down as fast as possible. Yeah, so no pictures from the tree farm. We both got Frasier Firs. They are my favorite kind of tree. The needles are soft and their shape is perfect for decorating.
Here's the tree - up and ready for lights! Notice my old school tree stand. It's been around a long time!
The lights are on and it's starting to look like a Christmas Tree!
Now the ornaments. I have a thing for Martha. Can you tell? All of these ornaments are from the Martha Stewart collection. They are the only reson I've walked into a Kmart in the last 10 years.
These don't look like much, but they are my favorite ornaments. I was in Chicago on New Year's Eve 2000 and bought these at the Banana Republic on Michigan Ave. They were on clearance for $1.97 each {Don't know how I remember that, or why!}. I think my favorite part is that they were made in Italy. I pretty much love anything made in Italy. 'Italy' is stamped on the metal part. The ornaments are two different colors but pretty much look like silver when they are on the tree. These are the first thing to go on my tree every year.
First ornaments are on the tree. . .
A few pictures of the finished tree:
I pretty much have a love affair with my trees each year. I love how cozy & festive their lights make my house and I hate when it's time to take them down!