
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekend Kitchen: Asparagus & Mushroom Pizza with Gorgonzola

I had a pizza like this recently at a restaurant and tried to recreate it at home.  The asparagus makes it a great pizza for Spring.
- pizza dough.  The recipe I used can be found here.
- 10 oz. mushrooms, sliced (I used cremini, but I'm sure any mushroom would work)
- 1/2 c. onion, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 bunch of asparagus
- 1/4 c. gorgonzola or blue cheese
- 3/4 c. shredded mozzarella
- 1/2 c. shredded parmesan
- 1/4 c. pine nuts
- olive oil
Prepare pizza dough.
When dough is almost finished rising, preheat oven to 500 degrees.  If you use a pizza stone, preheat it in the oven too.
Next, prepare toppings.
Slice mushrooms.
The santoku in the photo comes courtesy of Baby Sister.  It was one of many great birthday gifts I received this year from her.  I don't know what I did before I had this knife.  It makes food prep so much easier!
Break asparagus into 2 - 3 inch pieces.
Sauté garlic & onions in a generous dash of olive oil for a few minutes and then add the mushrooms.  Sauté a few minutes longer until mushrooms are soft.
When mushrooms are finished, set aside.
Roll out dough.  I use a pizza stone and when making pizza I like to use a little cornmeal to dust the stone before I put on the dough.  I think it helps to keep the dough form sticking.
I also like to prebake the crust before adding the toppings.  So, once your dough is rolled out and is on the pizza stone, bake in oven for 3 -5 minutes.
Next, top the pizza.  I started with a drizzle of olive oil all around the dough.  Next comes the mozzarella.  Then added the asparagus, mushroom & onion mixture (make sure to drain any liquid that is in the pan with the mushrooms from cooking), gorgonzola, pine nuts, and finish with the parmesan.  I topped of the pizza with a little drizzle of olive oil.
Bake for 15 - 20 minutes.
Fresh out of the oven:
I've linked this recipe up to:
- Tasty Tuesdays @ Crazy Daisy..
- SNS @ Funky Junk Interiors


  1. YUM! Pizza is a favorite here- It's so adaptable. Love this combo
    xoxo Pattie

  2. MMmmmm, that looks delicious! I don't think I've ever had asparagus on pizza. I love asparagus, and pizza is my favorite so it sounds like the perfect combination!

  3. Wow, this looks wonderful! I love pizza with just olive oil and veggies!

  4. YUM-ME! How funny that you homemade a pizza this weekend and blogged about it; I made a bbq chicken pizza (my fav) this weekend and I was going to blog about it this week also - great minds think alike! Thanks for the comments and the kind words about the tshirt - it was really fun to make! We didn't use any interfacing. We were going to wonder-under it on (I've made some towels for friends and we wonder-undered it first) but then I knew that if we did that then it wouldn't curl around the stitch, and we didn't have any so that ruled that out. I can't wait to try out your pizza recipe!

  5. This looks sooooo good. It is not even 11 am yet and I am pretty much drooling over this. Kinda makes me wish we still lived together...wait no, I don't think I'd go that far, but I sure am hungry for homemade pizza now!!

  6. Oh my gosh! Two of my favorite things - asparagus and mushrooms. Can't wait to try this.

  7. This looks so delicious!! I am going to have to give it a try!

  8. This looks amazing! It would be a great addition to Tuesday Tastes! Check it out...

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  9. Okay, this pizza looks so Yummy! I will have to try this one right away.


  10. YUM! I am hungry now. What a great combination. I love pizza and everything you have on it too. I will give it a try soon.

    Visit my blog at

  11. I came across your blog by way of Remodelaholic. I'm mesmorized by your photos - well, the content too. :) Hope you don't mind me following and popping in now and again. Cheers!

  12. This looks so good! My kids and I love to make our own pizza.

  13. Your pizza looks so good! I love to make pizza at home too - got to try this recipe soon!

  14. Oh This looks incredible! I really need to try this. I love making our own pizzas and these toppings sound amazing. Stop by the Sunday Showcase Party if you get a chance. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  15. I don't even like mushrooms and I want to eat this! Loverly yummerly.

  16. looks so yummy! I will have to try this!


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