
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vintage Metal Table

A few months ago I found this old metal table in my Grandparents basement.  I loved it and knew it would be perfect for my craft room.
Other than desperately needing a new coat of paint, the table was in pretty good shape.
I sanded the table a bit and then applied two coats of primer.
For the finish coats I used Krylon spray paint in Dover White with a gloss finish.
Now the table is finished and in my craft room.
My Keep Calm print was already hanging in the room.  Unfortunately, with the table placed underneath it, it looked way too high on the wall.  I considered moving it down but really didn't want to deal with a nail hole.  I decided to hang the "D" (for my last name) up.  I still wish the print was lower but the D does a pretty good job of taking up some visual space.
I'm enjoying the extra storage space - you can never have too much storage in a craft room, right?

If you are stopping over from Remodelaholic today, thanks so much for visiting!  And a big thank you to Cassity for posting this project on her site today!
I'm linking up to SNS @ Funky Junk Interiors


  1. So cute! Love the table and your craft room. Also, I just tried your granola recipe today. It is so good. I will be sharing it on my blog tomorrow!

  2. Perfect for a craft room! And the Keep Calm is awesome!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. What a gorgeous table, and a beautiful craft set up!

  4. very cute, now you need to show the rest of your craft room. :)

  5. I love it! It looks great in there! I also noticed your Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts book on the table. I've tried to check that out from the library a few times with no luck. What is your opinion of this book? I anticipated it to be amazing, but I'm sure I've built it up a bunch :).
    Thanks for your sweet comment the other day!

  6. Don't you just love spray paint, it is like a face life for furniture. And now your old table is new. This is a great piece.

  7. What a find Alissa. I love the table.

  8. Love the table! Wish I had grabbed more furniture from my grandma. I am trying to price our the shipping of a my grandma-in-law's pedestal table my sister-in-law no longer wants.
    Love the print too, I have a small version in my laundry room. Hope we can see the rest of the craft room!

  9. Love it Beege! I really like all your supplies displayed in the glass containers too. Oh and yes, please show us the rest of the "craft room." Ooh, maybe even a picture of what it looked like a few years ago... :)

  10. That is adorable! Especially the way you accessorized it. Great job!

  11. Love the metal table {lucky find} Looks simply fabulous!

  12. Hi I am just returning the compliment and having a browse around your lovely Blog. You are one clever crafty lady.

  13. LOVE that table, and adding the "D" definitely worked--the height visually looks great to me!

    i love your storage for the pencils too--i'm going to steal that one day, if i can ever get a minute to breathe from school work!

  14. Super cute little storage table...and how special that it was your grandparents!

  15. I love little carts like yours. I pick them up everytime I see one in a thrift store. Really cute! Love the "D"!

  16. LOVE the organization and clean look. great redo.

  17. Cool! Your restoration of that vintage metal table makes it perfect for your craft room. With my love of metal furniture and the medieval interior design, I had myself a hand forged iron tables for us to place or food when we watch movies, while there is a iron family tree with the images of my family are displayed there.


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