
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Perfect Summer Beer Cocktail

 Have you noticed how popular beer mixers & beer cocktails have become recently?  One restaurant near us has a fantastic variety on their menu of beer cocktails.  The one I'm sharing here became a favorite of mine the first time I tried it last summer - it is the perfect cocktail to enjoy on a warm summer day.
Big thanks to sister who keeps the DKU Lakehouse fully stocked with St. Germain and provided it for this cocktail. Have you tried it?  It is a delicious elderflower liquor that's easy to use in so many different cocktails. 
The Perfect Summer Beer Cocktail
 For each cocktail, you will need:
- 1 bottle of Stella Artois Beer
- 1 shot of St. Germain
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
- lemon wedge, for garnish
Add lemon juice and St Germain to glass; pour Stella into glass.  Use a cocktail stir stick to gently stir and combine.  Add lemon wedge for garnish to the side of the glass.  Now, sit back and enjoy.  Cheers!

 I couldn't resist including a photo of the begonia I have in our screen porch.  Isn't it gorgeous?


  1. Yeah, this sounds delicious. And that begonia is to die for.

  2. Beautiful pics & you guys are so fun!

  3. How have I never had St. Germain..?! This looks so refreshing, might need to whip up this summer. :)

  4. I have some st Germaine! I will have to try this!!


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