
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tasty Tuesdays: Spaghetti Carbonara

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays!

Spaghetti Carbonara is one of the easiest pasta recipes I know.  Chances are, you already have everything you need to make it.  Don't let the simple ingredients fool you though - it's an amazing dish!

- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 4 ounces bacon or pancetta, chopped
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish
- 1 cup fresh or frozen green peas
- 1 pound spaghetti or linguine
- salt and pepper to taste

1.  Combine olive oil and bacon in a medium skillet over medium heat.  Cook, stirring occasionally until bacon is cooked.

2.  Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Add pasta to cook when water starts to boil.  Also, warm a large bowl by filling it with hot water.  Set aside.

3.  When the pasta is almost done cooking, add peas and cook for a few minutes more until the peas are done.  Meanwhile, beat the eggs and Parmesan together in warmed bowl.  When pasta & peas are done, drain and immediately toss with the egg and Parmesan mixture.  Add the bacon and any remaining fat in the skillet.  Add lots of pepper and salt to taste.  Serve immediately, garnishing with additional Parmesan if desired.

{ recipe adapted from one of my favorite cookbooks, How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman. }

Buon Appetito!

Party Rules:
1.  Add a link in your post back to this post
2.  Add the Tasty Tuesday button to the post you are linking up.  You will find the button on my sidebar.


  1. I have made Mark Bittmans carbonara before - it is fantastic!

  2. I've never had this dish before! I love how simple the ingredients are! Definitely something I would love to try!

  3. Alissa

    This looks delicious! I would love it if you would share this at my new party, Inspire Me Monday - I'd also love to add this to my Pinterest food board!


  4. Thanks so much for hosting. Sure some good looking recipes here.

  5. Mmm.... carbonara is one of my all-time favorite dishes.

  6. Alissa, that pasta looks fantastic! So so yummy. Thanks for hosting.

  7. Hi,
    I shared my Curried Chicken Salad and 8 Reasons to Add Probiotic Foods to Your Diet. Also a video for making coconut water kefir.

    Join me in my Probiotic Foods Challenge starting January 9 at Real Food Forager!

    Thanks for hosting!

  8. Yummy! Carbonara is something I've been wanting to make forever. It's especially been on my to-do list for the past couple of months. I happen to have some leftover bacon in the might just have to happen this weekend! :)

  9. Your Carbonara looks delicious. Thanks for hosting and have a good week!
    Miz Helen

  10. That looks absolutely delicious! Perfect photography.

  11. Your Spaghetti Carbonara looks so delicious. I love Carbonara especially with Panchetta.It seems it gives it more flavor then bacon.

    Thank you for hosting.

  12. Looks delicious! Your pics are wonderful!

  13. As always your recipes and photos are great! Thanks for sharing!!

  14. I just had spaghetti last night, however, it was not as good as this sounds.
    Gotta begin making two batches - plain for the picky eaters, decked out for momma!

  15. This looks so delicious, and I'm in the process of domesticating myself, and try to report any recipes I follow, so this might be a good link-up for me.

  16. I just LOVE pasta carbonara and yours looks fabulous! I linked up some California Rolls that I made over the weekend. Thanks for hosting!

  17. Hi~ I linked my Grilled Banana and Biscoff Sandwich today. I had some problems linking and it looks like it went on 3 times! I am sorry, but I don't know how to fix that. However, it looks like you have lots of great link ups today, and thanks for hosting!

  18. There's something about your blog that ALWAYS makes me hungry! ;-) Marci

  19. Looks super yummy!!! I'll have to make it before the hubs and I start Body for Life in 4 weeks!

  20. I've always wanted to make carbonara, but something about the eggs squicked me out. Another fear to conquer!

    Your photos are beautiful.

  21. yum! this looks amazing, definitely going to try this soon. i love all of your recipes alissa!

  22. Easy recipes are for me and if it calls for pasta it's a winner. I haven't made carbonara for a while, I think it's time to make it again. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Thanks for hosting. Everything looks so delicious.

  23. One of my favorite pastas - carbonara and puttanesca as a close second.

  24. Just came across your blog - it's beautiful and the food looks delicious! Joined up with your link party too, thanks for hosting.

    Sarah @

  25. Oh, wow...that's really simple. Can't wait to try it!

  26. The carbonara looks AMAZING! Cannot wait to try it ;) Thanks for hosting!


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