
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pillows, Piping, & Zippers..oh my!

I recently conquered a sewing fear.
Pillows. With Piping. And Zippers. 
I've sewed lots of pillows over the years.  They're easy.  Pillows with piping?  Yep, sewed those too.  Not too hard.  But pillows, with piping, and a zipper?  The thought had me completely freaked out.
Guess what?  It wasn't that hard!
Back {at some point} with more photos, fabric information, and a tutorial.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  We are enjoying an Indian Summer here.  It's reached 80 degrees the last 4 days!


  1. It is daunting but once you try it isn't so bad! You pillows look fanatastic!

  2. OK! I am loving this color combo you have going on! I have never sewn 1 pillow, but I am looking forward to it!

  3. The pillows look great! I'm about to conquer some pillows with piping, and I wasn't sure what to do about the closure, so I'm looking forward to your tutorial!

  4. Looks great! The piping takes it over the top :)

  5. Pillows look great. I love your mix of colors and patterns.

  6. Fabulous, Alissa! I just tried piping for the first time, too, and it was so easy. I can't believe I waited so long :)

  7. You are worlds ahead of me! I can't even sew a pillow cushion. Love your fabric combos!

  8. Looking forward to the tutorial! Just made my first pillow for my new daughters room with an envelope back and piping. Turned out great but I definitely would like to do the whole zipper and piping. Glad yours turned out so well and that it wasn't to hard. Gives me hope!

  9. Um yes please do a tutorial!!! These are adorable!! I just sewed 6 pillows... but they have no piping & after seeing this... hmmm I might just have to tackle this! They are so fun! And I love the color combos you got going on! Adorable!

  10. I am not sure why so many people are freaked out by zippers, they are really pretty simple. Maybe it is the directions they come with. But I am glad you have over come your fears because your pillow is fabulous. I love that you used a print for your piping.

  11. Congratulations! Those pillows look great! I can't wait to see the tutorial.

  12. Love the colors and the patterns on the pillows.


  13. Oh dear. I have the same fear. I bought a sewing machine a year ago w the sole purpose to make cushions w piping & a zipper for our outdoor furniture and also curtains for our living room and I have yet to conquer either. the shame....
    can't wait for your tutorial!


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