
Monday, May 3, 2010

AZ Recap. . .

Well, it was another great trip to Arizona.  The main reason for the trip was that my brother (he's 9!) made his First Holy Communion and Confirmation.  I am his Godmother and now my sister is his confirmation sponsor.
On Saturday it was 90 degrees out.  You might think that we spent the day by the pool?  Nope - my brother decided he wanted to go ice skating. . .
Three generations. . .
My Grandpa (He's 89), World's Cutest Brother, and my Dad
My brother spent some time reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.  He loves those books!
My brother & I before his Fist Communion. . .
On Monday we went to see the Suns beat Portland in one of the play-off games. . .
The plants my sister & I planted back in January are doing well. . .
My Dad & I got in a round of golf. . .
I love the interesting shapes of desert plants. . .
And this is a view that I never get tired of. . .


  1. Wow, gorgeous pictures! Just one question...will the Suns please give the Mav's Steve Nash back? We need him. We miss him. We're sorry we ever let him go....and by we...I mean the owner. I never approved the trade. ;o)

  2. Great photos! The last one takes my breath away! WOW!!!

    I love the yellow top you wore at your brother's First Communion. Beautiful outfit and you look gorgeous in it. I have never liked yellow before but in the last couple of months I feel drawn to it for some reason.

  3. What a great trip! Love all your plant photos. Oh, how I miss AZ...

  4. WONDERFUL pictures! It sure looks like you had fun! We've missed you in blogland :)

  5. Those photos are gorgeous!!! Glad it was a great trip.

    :) Laura

  6. Could you send some of that 90 degrees our way? Your photos are fantastic. Sounds like great family time. Welcome back.

  7. Welcome home! I love all of your photos, especially the 3 generations! Your family is beautiful.
    I went to a Suns game once. We were at the very top and they were still great seats. I made hubby and the kids go up and down for drinks and treats, because it sure is quite a steep angle to climb.

    Thanks for sharing your time in Arizona!

  8. I love Spring time in the desert. I grew up in Phoenix, but didn't venture into Fountain Hills, maybe I should have, it looks beautiful there. Glad someone is soaking up some sun we're still freezing here in Utah!

  9. Would you believe I woke up to snow today? Had to get out all the girls mittens and scrape the ice off the Jeep. It was nice to come home and take a look at your sunshine. Please send some my way. I'll be posting about our beautiful weather tomorrow. I've concluded that only crazy people live in Northern Canada. Holy Moly does your brother look like your dad. Wow!

  10. Love the pics Beege!! I've ignored the fact that I look like absolute crap in the first picture, because E looks so darn cute. He is smiling so nice in that one. And love the one of Dad, E and Grandpa, really good shot.

  11. Looks like a great trip. My son loves those books too.

  12. What gorgeous pictures! I would love to go to Arizona and take shots of the plants and scenery there one day. Beautiful! Congrats to your brother.

  13. Thanks for sharing these lovely family photos.

  14. You really are so clever! I love looking at your beautiful pictures.

    Thanks for visiting today and thanks also for your sweet comment.

    Best wishes for a fabulous weekend,

    PS Your blog header is gorgeous!

  15. Great pics - love the landscaping and the pool!

  16. you always take the best photos!
    you're communion outfit was super cute, and that photo with your dad, brother and g-dad is the best. glad you had a good time.

  17. I love the desert scenery in Arizona. My husband and I have played golf there a few times. I loved it until a big snake showed up next to my ball. I thought he was going to eat it. We have not played now in a long time. Husband took up a new hobby of restoring old cars.


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