
Friday, February 19, 2010

Neck Pillows

Finally - a new post!  I had to travel this week for work and it really interfered with my blogging and blog stalking this week!
I made these neck pillows last weekend for my Mom and sister for Valentine's Day.  They are filled with rice and can be warmed up in the microwave and feel really nice and cozy around your neck on a cold, Winters night.
- Fabric (12" x 34" piece for each pillow)
- Rice (approx. 48 oz.)
- Lavender (optional)
- Coordinating thread for sewing
Place fabric right sides together, pin, and sew along edges.  Leave an 2" opening on one end.
Turn right-side out.
Fill with rice:
(*I ran out of rice and added flax seed to fill out the pillows.  Originally, I thought that one 32 oz. bag of rice for each pillow would be enough)
And then with lavender (I used approx. 1 cup of lavender per pillow):
Slip stitch the opening:
After I finished the slip stitch I decided to add two seams to the pillows so that the rice and lavender wouldn't all fall to one end.  By doing this you create 3 separate compartments and the rice and lavender will be evenly distributed.
Here's what the finished pillow looks like:
I folded it up into thirds and tied with a ribbon:
A perfect little gift!
Microwave 2-3 minutes and the neck pillow will be nice and toasty and warm you up on a cold, winters day!
There is a salon in town that gives these to you to use while you are there.  I've been meaning to make these for a really long time.  I'm glad I finally did - now I just need to make one for myself!
I'm linking up here:
Weekend Wrap Up Party @ Tatertots & Jello
SNS @ Funky Junk Interiors
Making the World Cuter Monday


  1. oh my gosh these are adorable! i am very jealous of kristen's valentine's present, haha. i think i might make some for future gifts :) thanks for the idea!

  2. These are really cute! Handmade, functional, and relaxing. Every time I read your blog I wish more and more that I knew how to sew.

    Also, I added you to my blog roll, so I don't have to search my dashboard anymore!

  3. So beautiful, love the fabric. How do they smell. My mom made some with barley I think and when they were warmed up. ugh! Rice seems safe though.

  4. I'm making a prediction here...this blog will be up there with Making It Lovely!
    Kudos Alissa!

  5. Alissa, these are so pretty. I've made rice bags before, but your design is much better. A good project for gift giving and craft fairing...Sherry

  6. To Messy above: If you use Basmati rice, it smells like something wonderful is baking. But the lavender really does a great job! Sherry

  7. I've made rice bags before but they didn't look as cute as yours!! I love the idea of placing lavender inside.

    These bags are a must for winter! I heat mine up before going to bed and then place it under the covers. It feels so good to crawl into a warm and cozy bed!

  8. Thanks guys for your nice comments!

    Dana - You are too kind!

    Sherry - Thanks for the great tip! I am planning on using basmati rice from now on. I want to make one for myself and can't wait to try out the basmati.

  9. I made these for my kiddos for Christmas this year & then ended up doing some for my nieces too. I had heard that wheat holds the heat longer and so that was what i put in mine. Not sure if its true but wow those babies stay toasty for a long long time! Love the lavender in there and your fabric choice is fantabulous! Thanks for commenting on my shirt tutorial - it means alot! Big Smiles, JEN

  10. That's a great idea. I love that fabric too. What is it, do you know? Oh and is the lavender something you can find in the grocery store?

  11. Oh, my neck is longing for one of these right now. Thanks for the tutorial!

  12. If I could sew-I would be all over these! I have been snooping around your blog and I have to say, I am so glad that I found you! Talk about inspiration! Your pictures are beautiful- I now want to make everything that you have pictured! I love the little framed projects! Great ideas! I will be back to see what else you come up with.

  13. stinkin' ADORE these! thank you for the tutorial. i'm making one or two...or three! yay!

  14. Lovely and I bet it smells really nice! Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

  15. These are wonderful - I'll be buying materials soon, think I'm going to do an eye pillow version thought.

    So happy I found your blog, I think you'll find me around a lot!

  16. My sister-in-law made me something similar a several years ago (I still use it often) but yours is much cuter. I LOVE the fabric you used! Do you remember where you got it?

  17. I love these, I always am telling myself that I need to make a new one with cuter fabric! Thanks for the reminder and for showing how cute they can be!

  18. Great tutorial. I love the pictures. ANd the fabric you used for the pillows is beautiful!

    Thanks for linking this up. I love it!


  19. Love the neck pillows and the way you have them displayed in the picture. So pretty!

  20. love it...I will have to make this for myself!

  21. Where did you buy your dried lavender flowers? Can you find them at Whole Foods or a local grocery store?

  22. Tiffany - I purchases dried lavender from my local health food store. They sell it in bulk. Not sure if Whole Foods carries it.


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