
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lake Michigan

My Mom & I took a drive out to Lake Michigan today.  It was SO COLD but it was beautiful.  I had fun taking pictures.  We picked a perfect time to go because the lighting was perfect.  The sun was in the West right over the lake and was shining through the clouds turning the sky into beautiful shades of orange and pink.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures.










  1. Wow, what an amazing lake, very dramatic photos. Beautiful.

  2. Ali, Lake Michigan is certainly beautiful this time of year. Your photos are fantastic. What kind of camera did you use?

    Aunt Mary

  3. You are really awesome at this whole photography thing, Al!! Seriously, want to go into business me?:)

  4. These photos are just stunning. WOW I am really glad that I came across your blog and look forward to following. I only wish that I could take pictures that were that incredible.

    I don't have skills like that, but I am doing my 2nd giveaway which is an InStyler-pretty sweet huh? Pop on over to my bloggy blog and enter and follow back if you would like. It is nice to "meet" you!

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments!

    Aunt Mary - I have a Nikon D40. It's the most basic SLR you can get, but I really like it.

    Kate - I Wish I was as good as you!

  6. Wow - so glad I stumbled upon your blog. The photographs from this post are simply breathtaking!!


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